I am going through a transformation right now. (aka as divorce.)⁣

⁣For me, it’s been an extremely depressing and stressful experience. For the most part, I spent every night crying for the first 9 months.⁣

⁣And I’m the one who initiated the divorce! ⁣

⁣I had so much doubt and indecision about starting my transformation, but as time passed, I deeply believe it was the best decision I could make! ⁣

Now I have so much hope and curiosity about my future. ⁣

Why? What changed? ⁣

I transitioned from a scarcity mentality to an abundance mentality. ⁣

No, not about finding love again. For some reason, I never doubted that. I mean there are almost 8 billion people on the planet. I would have to TRY hard not to find someone new. ⁣

But about getting help with my children! ⁣

Yes! I had such a scarcity mindset around getting help with my children. And that mentality kept me DOWN! ⁣

It felt like life was stacked against me and I would NEVER find my footing. ⁣


I told myself this story every minute of every day and suffered the consequences of this belief system. ⁣

Out of sheer desperation, I finally got quiet enough to stop talking to myself and start listening to my inner voice. ⁣

I clearly heard, ⁣
“Help is all around you. It’s in abundance. You have and will always have an ABUNDANCE of help with Grace and Faith. All that you need. More than you could want. Just ask. “⁣

Okaaaaaay. I thought to myself…what do I have to lose? Let me tell myself a different story. ⁣

I have more than enough help with the girls. ⁣
God sends me help for the girls every single day. ⁣
I have unlimited access to people, places and things that want to help me with my children. ⁣
Consistent and practical help is my portion everyday. ⁣

I started affirming myself in these things. Everyday. Every single minute of every single day. I started telling myself this. And help showed up.⁣

I started asking. I started looking for it. I started to believe it was okay to receive help. ⁣

And I’m no longer crying every night! ⁣