I don’t believe in competition. Yes I said it!

Compete means to strive to gain win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same.
I believe that there is more than enough for everyone.

Why do I believe this?
Because I have a strong faith in a benevolent Creator who calls those things that aren’t as though they are. I believe that God can create something out of nothing.
And I happen to think that humans can too.
So I prefer collaboration, cooperation, joining forces, acting as a team, working in partnership, pooling resources, teaming up, and coming together!
Together humans are unstoppable.

When people come together, anything is possible.
In the invisible and visible realm.
There is a place for you and what you want to do.
Abundance is your portion. There is more than enough to sustain you, your family and all the families of the earth.
We really all just need to start working together.