I’m falling in love with #Jesus. Again.

It’s just like the Scriptures say: Return to your first love.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve been experiencing a crushing blow. I’m going through a transformation (aka #divorce) I really could never put into words how crushing to my spirit, soul, and body the whole experience has been for me.

I wouldn’t wish the experience on anyone. Ever. Period.

I wish all couples love and light and sustainability in their relationships. I hope everyone does the work and has the faith to stay together forever.

The alternative can be debilitating and just very sad. For everyone involved.

The unexpected casualty of my impending divorce was my relationship with Jesus.

I went through a dark dark time. It’s like I couldn’t stand anything that had to do with church, Christianity, the faith. Nothing. I didn’t want to hear it. I was so heart broken.

How could you let this happen Jesus? How could you let this happen to ME, Jesus?

Long story short, short story shorter: I’m sure ALOT of people were praying for me. It’s very jarring to know someone who loves the Lord and then suddenly, they don’t want to talk about Him. Ever.

I believe the prayers of the righteous availeth much. They make much power available.

All those #prayers finally made enough power to break through all my darkness and reintroduce me to the Light once again.

I don’t recall an exact day when it happened. But suddenly, I was in love again.

And He was patiently waiting the whole time.

My daughters never lost touch with Him. I walked into our house the other day and they were playing music about Jesus. They said “Come on Mommy, sing with us.”

I hadn’t sung to Him in so long. I just started belting out my love in song.

I realized then, I’m back in love. And it’s stronger than ever. I didn’t think it was possible.

If you’ve lost touch with whatever you love, I’m praying for you. I pray it returns to you #today.